Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Selection #165

Sunday Selections is a project that was started by Kim of Frogs Rock Pond and is being continued by River of Drifting through life. It's a simple but fun idea: on Sunday, simply post some pictures that are sitting, neglected, in your folders. You can choose a theme or not; it's entirely up to you. Link back to River, and, voila, you've done it!

This week's theme is currency! I started collecting coins after we moved to Saudi Arabia and started travelling to various countries. I still collect coins, but I'm also in to paper money now.

So it was my lucky day when I walked up to a little kiosk in Amman that sold money and only money. I believe we were there for at least two hours, and DH, bless him, never complained!

So here's a sprinkling of what I got:

South Sudan 2013

French Indochina 1936

Germany 1940

Afghanistan 1993

Iran 1974

Iran 1992 & 2005

The Axis of Evil: North Korea 1978, Iraq 1994, & Iran 1992

Libya 2004

Yemen 1984

Yugoslavia 1993

Austria 1920

North Korea 1998
North Korea 1998: Close up

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